

Welcome To Facebox

Free speech on Social Media today is becoming a major challenge to society. Large segments of the population are attracted to scandals, violence, and inappropriate materials, and the emergence of fake news is causing havoc and being used to influence our thoughts and decisions. The real problem emerges when companies like Facebook start to profit from this environment and do nothing to stop the spread of false information.

Facebook creates billions of dollars in profits each quarter and is being visited every day by more than two billion visitors. Some of them are attracted to this questionable content and the criticism is that Facebook is doing almost nothing to eliminate hate speech and fake news. In fact, they are being accused of using it to make money as restricting access would hit their bottom line.

Facebox is just a test of how people can keep up-to-date in a private environment, without any advertising, and without any scandals, fake news, or violence. We have included items on the Facebox site that might interest and encourage you to come back on a regular basis. It has become a great source of news from around the world, all in one place. If you are interested, please register at the Guestbox to get updates.

We believe over time more and more people will close their accounts at services such as Facebook and start their own private blogs, just like this one. We can foresee the creation of a network of private blogs where people will be able to connect and communicate meaningfully with each other and not be bombarded by Facebook nonsense. Several software companies are already working actively on this concept.

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Blog Posts

The Weight Loss Myth


This morning I was reading through my news sources, as I always do, clicking on links to things that interest me. One of them was entitled “How to lose weight healthily, according to science — and the diet myths that do more harm than good”.

As a healthy individual who has always made sure not to be overweight, without following a diet, it interested me what a so-called expert w…

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Is it your intention to live healthier and longer? If it is, a good time to start a plan is now. Too many of us don’t have a plan until an illness strikes or we get to an age when our mortality begins to bother us and a friend or family member has a problem or even dies. This is particularly relevant in this time of the Corona pandemic.

The good news is,…

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THE STOCK MARKET - The 3 Reasons To Get Out NOW

We have all watched as the stock markets around the world have kept on rising despite all the bad news about the Corona epidemic, unemployment at record levels, and inflation on the rise. On average the different exchanges have doubled in value over the past 15 months which raises the question: How long can this continue?

There always comes a time to sell, take the profits, and sit tigh…

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The Wealth Divide



We all know that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The only question is: How long can this continue before there is a collapse in society as we know it and/or a revolution? Something has to happen. The key is not to have endless conversations about the problems that are just symptoms of something else. We have to dig deeper and reveal wha…

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The Death of Democracy

Every morning I wake up and turn on the news. It is no longer a surprise to hear newscasters reporting on problems. Scandals, catastrophes, hunger, disease, government crises, immigrant problems, wars, and climate change are all on the menu. My problem is this barrage of negative stuff seems to be getting more serious and threatening day by day. This is a negative trend.

It seems globally a nu…

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